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01.04.24 - Maps
Making of Thief2X


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Thanks for downloading the T2X Making Of package! In this file, you'll find brief descriptions of the different items we included and instructions on how to load the missions. The files we've included in this package are intended to be used as items of interest for fans and for possible instructional purposes for our fellow modders. Please refer to the TTLG online troubleshooting guides for any problems you may have with Thief 2 or with DromEd, and the T2X FAQ for any problems specifically related to running T2X.

The Missions

We've included a variety of missions we used during various points of development. The unstripped mission files are the original files that we used for the final version of Thief2X. The demo missions and old versions of missions are presented "as is," and are not intended to be final or bug free. To load any of these maps, please read the following instructions:

1. Make sure you have an up to date version of Thief 2, version 1.18. Make sure you have T2X installed. Make sure you have version 1.18 of the DromEd level editor and can load regular Thief 2 mission files without problems.

2. Go to your T2X folder, located inside your Thief2 directory.

3. Copy the files darkhooks.dlx, NVT2X.osm, script.osm, T2X.gam, and the folders Fam, Mesh, and Obj. Paste these files into your Thief2 folder.

4. If you wish, also copy the Books, Intrface, and Snd folder from the T2X directory into your Thief2 directory. However, make sure you back up the Books, Intrface, and Snd folders already present in the Thief2 directory if these folders are present. It is not necessary to do this step to see most of the features in the missions.

4. Launch DromEd. Open any of the Making Of mission files.

5. You may play the maps through DromEd. Note that some untextured surfaces and "lost" wedge objects are normal in the demo missions and old versions.

6. When going back to play Thief 2, any Thief 2 fan mission, or play T2X through the launcher, return darkhooks.dlx, NVT2X.osm, script.osm, T2X.gam, and the folders you moved back into the original T2X folder. If you replaced your Books, Intrface, and Snd folders, restore the original ones from your Thief2 directory back into your Thief2 directory.

Audio Notes

Included here are various documents we used to help organize our sound team.

"Character Descriptions": A general text file we sent to our actors to describe the kind of characters they would be playing. This was especially useful to our few actors who had not played Thief before.

"Conversation Master": A single word document which contained all of our T2X conversations in one place.

"Example List of Guard 3 Sounds": We had one of these text files for every voice in T2X. These files were sent to the T2X voice actors to describe the exact sounds we needed.

"T2X Baseline Schema": When we created a new schema file for T2X, we used this as a baseline and then changed all of the names in this file to match that of the specific character we were recording.

"Tree and Haunt Sounds": This was a list of our new creature sounds. This list was different enough from a standard character that we felt we needed an independent file to describe them.

"Truart Sounds": Sheriff Truart had a shorter list of needed dialogue than a standard character, and thus we had a slightly different script for him.

"T2X Schemas Folder": For T2X sounds, we used a combination of the original Thief 2 sounds and new ambient sounds and sound fx created custom by our audio team. This is the comprehensive collection of all schemas that were used in T2X and contained in the T2X gamesys file.


Included here are a variety of scripts, mission documents, and plot documents that were used as the backbone of T2X development.

"Briefing List Final Revision": This is the final list of all of the briefing images and briefing dialogue that were used for the T2X briefing movies. This list, in whole or in part, was sent to our briefing artists and cutscene artists to help create the briefings.

"Briefing List Original": This was one of the first drafts of the briefing scripts. This is very similar to the Final Revision, but is longer and describes a variety of images that were cut.

"Cutscene1 - Cutscene4New": These are the final scripts for the 4 animated cutscenes in T2X. Cutscenes 2 - 4 went through several revisions, and the final versions are represented here.

"Mission 1 Master - Mission 13 Master": These are the mission documents that were sent to all of the level designers to describe the maps that they worked on. Arguably our most important content documents, these contain all relevant information for a level. They have the full briefing script, objectives, describe time of day and necessary locations, conversations, subplots, book files, and many other critical pieces of information.

"Quote Master": This is a list of all of the quotes that are included in the briefing movies, written by the T2X plot team.

"T2X Plot Summary": This is the high level plot summary for T2X that was written near the very beginning of the project. This summary was sent out to many T2X developers as a general description of what the project was about.

"T2X Trailer Script": This is the script for the T2X trailer that was sent to Dark Craft Studios.

"T2X Weapons and Items": This is the gameplay document describing Zaya's new tools and weapons and how the pagan catalyst crystals work.

Example Automap

These are the original images we used to create the Mission 7 automap. Included are the original black and white paper scans, these scans transferred to the T2X blank parchment, and the files that we fed into cutout.exe and makerect.exe to generate all of the individual 2D rooms. These are included mainly as a technical example for DromEd authors who want to create automaps.

Example BriefingArt

These are two examples of how we took some original artwork and modified the pieces to suit our final briefing art style.

"Miss3b_original": This is an original black and white sketch given to us by Randall Ernest, one of our briefing artists.
"Miss3b_postprocess": Our post-process artists took this sketch and added detail and smoothing in photoshop to make the look more final.
"Miss3b_final": This is the final, colored version we used in the Mission 3 briefing.

"Miss9c_original": This is a screenshot taken directly from the game in Mission 9.
"Miss9c_postprocess": Our post-process artists took this screenshot and added detail and smoothing in photoshop to make the look more final.
"Miss9c_final": This is the final, colored version we used in the Mission 9 briefing.


This is 30 minutes of music from T2X, compiled by Gonchong. The tracks are a mix of cutscene audio, ambient tracks from missions, and music that was used in our trailer and in the cutscenes. Enjoy!

• Uploaded 30.04.2008 • Size 135.07 Mb • Downloads 0

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