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The DarkMod

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Embracing the Enemy

December 20, 2000
Author: Garett (Kung Fu Gecko) Choy
Contact info:
Date of release: December 20, 2000


I love stealing from that old goat Rumsford and generally being a major thorn in his side. But this time it wasn't easy getting this high priced trinket from his possession. I took a couple crossbow bolts in the process of fulfilling my fence's contract and have had to spend the last few days recovering from my wounds. But what pains me most is that the buyer can't pay the full amount. According to my fence, the buyer is Lord Montague and he won't be able to pay up until his next shipping convoy comes in at the end of the month. No other buyers are offering anything close to Montague's offer so it looks like I'm going to have to hold on to the thing for another few days.

But if only things were that simple.

I just got wind that someone's been hired to assassinate ol' Montague. If that happens, I'll never get paid and all my risk and wounds will be for naught. The assassin is Alex the Gray, another thief in town who's earned both my respect and a little resentment as he beat me to the job's prize a couple times before.

To complicate matters even further, I can't just stop the assassination, I have to do it discretely. Alex is a member of the Black Scorpion Society, a triad that takes honor and revenge very seriously. If they found out it was me who spoiled their plans... well, let's just say I don't need people like Alex keeping me on the run.

Montague's castle is built along the cliffs of the river bank just East of the city. I'll start in his vineyard and try to pick up Alex's trail so I can head him off before he hits Montague. When I find Alex, I'm going to have to incapacitate him somehow so he can't complete his mission.

This is more effort for my payment than I was expecting. Sorry Alex, but you are ruining my plans. Nothing personal, it's just business.


- If Montague dies, you don't get paid. Do whatever you need to do to stop Alex from assassinating him, but try not to be seen.
- (hard) Lord M's winery is renowned for excellent wine; especially '29 Cabernet Private Reserve. Steal a bottle for yourself.
- (expert) No one must know of your involvement; after you stop Alex, clean up any messes.
- (hard/expert) Don't kill any of the guards or servants; not even Alex.
- When everything is done, return to the vineyard.

Note from the author: Play sneaksie, as always in my missions it is possible to complete it without ever subduing an AI (unless of course that is your mission).


Paul "Loanstar" Billo as Garrett (
Lesley "Jonquil" Lumsden as Female Servant 3
Terry "Ninjawitch" Haehnel as Benny (


* Play Information *

Game: Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title: Embracing the Enemy
File name: miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings: yes
Equipment store: yes
Map / automap: yes/no
New graphics: yes
New sounds: yes
EAX support: yes
Multi language support: no
Briefing: yes

Difficulty levels: Novice, Hard, Expert; and don't forget sneaker too!

* Construction *

Base: From scratch.
Build Time: tons of hours (over 200)


* Loading information *

ThiefLoader and DarkLoader ready. File name


* Copyright *

Copyright (c) December 2000 by Garett Choy

Permission is granted to freely play and distribute this level providing it remains whole and intact.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

Special Thanks to the ETE beta testers (in alphabetical order):

Anders "Keeper Hallzon" H?llzon
Daniel "dkessler" Kessler
John "Viper6" Walsh
Jonathan "Vaul" Stewart
Chris aka "WillieSutton"
Mara "MsLedd" Bernard
Mike "Mikall Hauser" Grogan
rmdpmcl aka "Z"
Sebastin "Sarik" K
Todd aka "T-wrexx"

Title sounds in briefing by Imposter

• Uploaded 20.12.2000 • Size 7.05 Mb • Downloads 0

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